Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)  

Outsourcing, an obligatory reason for a growth strategy

We can translate it as the outsourcing of critical business functions and tasks, through external service providers. It is based on the search for synergies of cost savings and an improvement in the efficiency of said processes.


On the other hand, information and communication technologies allow and facilitate access and much of the work can be carried out outside the client’s premises.

At Sietech we pride ourselves on being guarantors when it comes to offering professional services with the purpose of generating value for our clients.

Our DNA is based on the generation of operational synergies and the reduction of structural costs, which offer guarantees of efficiency in the processes, complying with the agreed terms in terms of execution terms and all negotiated contractual requirements.

In this way, we improve and help our clients meet their strategic objectives.

Most of the tasks that can be easily outsourced go through a prior process of digitalization, scanning, verification, collation and expansion of information (included in documentary physical supports (papers) and obviously in other computer supports (mainframe or external databases)). , for whose treatment the most advanced collection and search techniques on the market are applied. (RPA)

bpo rpa sietech

RPA (Robotic Automation Process) from Sietech

Robotic process automation is the best way to automate our client’s business processes; actions are replicated as if it were a human being, interacting solely and exclusively with an interface of the user’s own computer system.

It allows computer software (a “robot”) to be configured to integrate the repetitive actions of human interaction into digital systems to execute a work process.

A robot can work 24x7x365 without pauses, managing to execute tasks without interruptions, with higher quality and precision, considerably reducing human errors.

In addition, the robots provide detailed information on what they have done and how they have done it, which makes it possible to have advanced business metrics in real time.

A user interface must be used to capture data and manipulate existing applications in the same way that a human would, allowing them to perform interpretations, trigger responses, and communicate with other systems to operate, query, extract data, and consolidate results.

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