Biometric Signature   

Sietech Biometric Signature Solution

As with the handwritten signature on paper documents, the electronic signature is intended to guarantee the authorship of the signature and of the document associated with it, in such a way that sufficient trust is generated in third parties that the author linked to the electronic document is the signatory who assumes the obligations and responsibilities embodied in the signed document.

Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the electronic signature is to guarantee the identification of the signatory, the authenticity of the content, the non-repudiation and the integrity of the signed document, precisely these elements being those that guarantee each type of electronic signature expressly regulated by our legal system. legal and particularly by eIDAS Regulation.

firma biométrica


The eIDAS Regulation defines three types of electronic signatures:

Simple Electronic Signature: a set of data, in electronic format, attached to other electronic data or logically associated with them that the signer uses to sign.

Advanced Electronic Signature: it is defined as the set of data in the electronic format attached to other electronic data or logically associated with them that the signer uses to sign, in such a way that the following aspects can be guaranteed in accordance with article 26 of the eIDAS Regulation:

  1. That the signature made is linked to the signatory in a unique way and can only be used by its owner.
  2. That the signature allows the identification of the signatory, in such a way that at the time of its creation, some type of accreditation of the identity of its owner has been requested, and, therefore, there is the possibility of identifying, to a high degree of trust, that the signing user is the owner of the signature.
  3. That the signature has been created using electronic signature creation data that the signatory can use, with a high level of confidence, under their exclusive control, in such a way that the signature generation process has required the user at least two of the three possible factors (knowledge, possession or inherence factor) to be able to sign the document in question.
  4. That the signature is linked to the data signed by it in such a way that any subsequent modification of the same is detectable, in such a way that the signature system used guarantees that the signed document is inexorably associated with the signature in question.

Qualified Electronic Signature: it is an advanced electronic signature that is generated with a qualified electronic signature certificate and that is carried out by means of a qualified signature creation device.

Sietech has solutions for remote electronic signature and/or face-to-face electronic forms.

The biometric signature can be considered an advanced electronic signature as long as the electronic device on which it is signed complies with the guarantees defined in its Regulations and is accompanied by the signing of an expert report with the same guarantees that a handwritten signature report would provide.

Associating the identity of a signatory to an electronic document using a technology that allows the capture of biometric data associated with the handwritten signature process is the purpose of this new identification system.

The biometric data captured during the signature process are pressure, writing speed and acceleration, adding more and a fourth variable, the geolocated local.


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